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Features of the ACQUITY UPLC System

* Comprehensive system components, including the ACQUITY UPLC Sample Organizer, Column Manager and Heater/Cooler, Binary * Solvent Manager and Sample Manager, for customized throughput and condition requirements
* Easy HPLC to UPLC method conversion with the ACQUITY UPLC console calculator
* Support for existing HPLC methods
* Predictive system support with Connections INSIGHT® remote intelligent services
* Chemistries and formats to suit specific analytical tasks, including ACQUITY UPLC 1.7 μm columns, VanGuard pre-columns or ACQUITY UPLC HSS and HSS T3 1.8 μm columns
* Extended detection capabilities with ACQUITY UPLC Fluorescence (FLR), Tunable UV (TUV), Photodiode Array (PDA), Evaporative Light Scattering (ELS), and Refractive Index (RI) detectors to single, tandem, and time-of-flight mass spectrometers
* Easily compatible with third-party MS solutions (ABI/MDS SCIEX, Bruker Daltonics, and Thermo Fisher Scientific)

ACQUITY UPLC System Advantages:

Efficiency gains with sub-2 μm particles:
* Provides 3X higher efficiency than 5 μm particles
* 70% higher resolution than 5 μm particles
* For gradient separations, peak capacity is used to measure the resolving power
* Better information gained when analyzing more samples per unit time:

* Column length can be reduced by a factor of three with methods transitioned from 5 μm particles to sub-2 μm particles, with the same efficiency
* Separations can be run at a 3X higher flow rate
* Generate a 9X increase in throughput with no loss in resolution
* Detect compounds at increasingly lower levels without inherent changes to the detection mode, either optical or MS:

The ACQUITY UPLC System with sub-2 μm particles provides up to 70% higher sensitivity
In the case of equal efficiency but faster analysis times, the equivalent is 3X higher sensitivity than 5 μm particles
Beyond optical detection and looking at MS, the less dispersed peaks with higher concentration effectively yield improved ionization efficiency, making ACQUITY UPLC the ideal inlet for any MS detector