Sistem Prep 100q SFC

The Waters Prep 100q SFC System provides high-throughput, semi-preparative to preparative scale purification, meeting the increased demand for higher productivity, greater flexibility, and lower costs per sample. 

The only open-bed preparative scale SFC system on the market today, the Prep 100q SFC System is the ideal platform for a wide variety of purification applications: chiral and achiral separations, impurity isolation, natural products, and purification of standards and libraries of drug-like compounds. Waters’ patent-pending Gas Liquid Separator (GLS) technology manages the decompression of CO2 and its removal from the liquid stream in a highly effective manner, allowing for more efficient fraction collection in an open-bed environment. This proprietary, innovative technology results in high recovery of your valuable compounds and gives you the confidence that nothing was left behind.

Leveraging the benefits of green purification technology, the Prep 100q SFC System utilizes CO2 as the primary mobile phase, which is a beneficial alternative for laboratories overwhelmed with solvent disposal and time-consuming sample dry-down.

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