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Xevo G2-XS Tof Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

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Maximum robustness with no compromise in performance

The trend for increasing complexity of both samples and studies can result in difficulty obtaining high quality data for every component of interest while maintaining optimum performance throughout the analysis.

The Xevo® G2-XS Tof combines StepWaveTM ion optics with the XS Collision Cell, providing a significant increase in sensitivity with no reduction in selectivity. During long analyses, critical hardware components stay clean for longer, so results are more reproducible and the laboratory stays productive.

Meaningful information is obtained for a greater number of components across a larger population of samples than ever before, giving a more complete picture for improved understanding and more confident decision making.

Highest quality, most comprehensive qualitative and quantitative information

Complete understanding of a sample requires detailed and accurate qualitative and quantitative information for every component of interest, collected on a fast timescale in order to access the full benefits of modern separation techniques.

MSE is a simple but powerful approach that delivers accurate mass precursor and fragment ion data for every detectable component, whether chromatographically resolved or not. This represents the ultimate in qualitative information, with the same data also providing accurate quantitative profiles. And because the approach is un-targeted, the data can be interrogated again at a later date as scientific questions evolve.